You describe yourself as a ‘keen’ hiker, here’s 19 signs it’s become more than just a hobby…
Ahh… Munros, I still remember the first time….
‘Be prepared’ is your motto…. or is that the scouts?
Of course you told them, your conscience wouldn’t allow otherwise. The fact you also told the entire walking community of the UK makes no difference.
Your other half knows you won’t actually be back in time for the family meal. Waste not, want not… it’ll still be good for tomorrows trip out!
Pictures are only there to record your achievements and what better way than to show it from the top of the hill you just conquered?
No one could say your wardrobe isn’t practical….
Kids are great, they help carry the shopping and stuff but they aren’t going to be much help on Striding Edge now are they…. Now where the Helvellyn did I put that dubbin….
Your special treat for that lonely mountain top… it used to be “emergency rations” but soon became a best friend
They know you are out and about – you’ve told them so many times and you’ve even let them know when you’re coming back!
Ah… maps, the bastion of knowledge! No GPS system can give you the comfort of holding a map. Since you bought the full waterproof range you’ll always have an emergency poncho too!
You are always off on an adventure and are more than willing to share the (un)pleasant details on your return. More people are waiting to see what happened on your latest escapade than EastEnders!
Foreign climes… ah – the rare chance to show that overseas crowd what real English folk are all about. Leave the other half and the kids at the beach and time to hit the trails…
You know damned fine that everybody loves a good trail story, so why not share yours? It’s bound to help the day pass quicker.
Of course, as a serious hiker there are vast swathes of this fine country that are just not acceptable to live in. You have a suitably marked up (OS Land ranger) map depicting locations that are prime, others that might be acceptable and the definite no-go’s.
People just don’t appreciate the beauty of our landscape above 2,000ft….
People need to know and understand the difference between when you are out for a walk or just out walking.
Knowledge is power and Wainwright certainly had the knowledge and now you have it too. Every page has been lovingly pored over as you retraced his steps….
Sure you know you got married back in the 80’s sometime and the kids are about 14-16 years old (ish) but did they realise that in 4 days’ time it will be exactly 25 years since you first took those tentative steps onto Scafell pike? Ah… the rain had just stopped…..
The only reason driving is acceptable is because the seatbelt feels a little like a rucksack strap over your shoulder…the necessary evil to get you to your walking location.
Magical times… all those new shades of beige and there was a rumour going round that your favourite fleece was coming in a new colour next season!
Everyone knows that only the most boring places on earth don’t have an outdoor store and who knows this one might, just might, have something that you don’t already have yet….